78 Degrees of Wisdom, by Rachel Pollack "This is one of the best books on tarot that I know. It will provide everything necessary to learn to read and understand the tarot. To paraphrase the blurb on the back: 'First published nearly 40 years ago, this book provides: a history of tarot, introduction to common tarot spreads, [and] a clear and endlessly useful reference for both beginning and advanced tarot students.' I like to tell people that it is a complete course on tarot in one volume." – Stacy Rapp The Witch's Guide to Life, by Kala Trobe This is one of the most complete intro to Wicca books and one of the few that explores witchcraft and modern technology. It is broken into three parts: 'The first part covers Wiccan ethics, the difference between a Wiccan and a non-Wiccan Witch, love, sex, mood swings, eating disorders, suicidal impulses, and the use of drugs are amongst the issues discussed in the first part of the book, along with wider subjects such as the witch's role in global crisis.' 'Part two explores the history, folklore, and mystical systems relevant to witchcraft as we know it today, including chakras, the Qabalah of the Western Mystery Tradition, and Tarot. The lives of eminent historical and contemporary occultists are outlined, and the image of the witch as reflected in art, literature, and the media is explored as an indication of the changing attitude of the general public to the arts magickal.' 'In part three you'll find the practical how-to of witchcraft and magick, with comprehensive sections on a witch's working tools, when to cast what, and magickal techniques and spell-casting. Also included are recipes to make every sabbat a tasty as well as magickal experience, tips on psychic self-protection, and advice for coping with adversity. The power inherent in every witch shines forth in this guide to magickal living in the modern world.' "
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"Mya Spalter's book Enchantments: A Modern Witch’s Guide to Self-Possession is an enjoyable and informative read. It gives an overall idea of what Enchantments is all about. There are chapters on altars, candles, plants, astrology and much more. Mya’s approach is fun loving and whimsical making this a must-read for all customers of Enchantments." ––Ana More about the author: Mya Spalter has spent years among candles, herbs, cats, and spells as an employee at New York City’s oldest occult shop, Enchantments. Her first book was met with acclaim when it was published in 2018. Click here to buy the book. Also check out our interview with Mya. "Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés’s Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype is full of allegory and a bold read. I found this book to be insightful and soul touching. It is for any person wanting to prepare for deep spiritual work. Although it is more about the feminine, men should read this too with an open perspective. In the end it benefits them as well to understand more about the wild woman archetype and what it might mean for the women in their lives." –– Ana Click here to buy the book. "Papus’s The Elementary Treatise of Occult Science was an influential book originally written during the French occult revival that occurred during the late 1800s into the early 1900s. It covers theories and symbols used by the Kabbalists, Freemasons, alchemists, astrologers, and ancients making it a good introduction for the modern-day occultist. The most fascinating theme for me in this treatise is the approach to decoding esoteric symbolism." –– Ana Click here to purchase the book. Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, by Scott Cunningham "I love this book for its simple usefulness across my whole life. Whether it's making blends at the shop, making my own blends at home, or even while cooking, it's always on hand to help add insight to the magical properties of the ingredients I'm using." Click here to purchase the book. The Kitchen Witch's Cookbook, by Patricia Telesco "This book first taught me the art of magical cooking and adding intention to the ingredients. The book offers so many recipes for so many different things and makes it fun to figure out new combinations of magical ingredients. It also provides space to write your own recipes." Click here to purchase the book. Strength of Sensitivity, by Kyra Mesich "This book was a life saver for me. It is a holistic approach to understanding empathy. It takes a psychological approach to changing the way we think about being emotionally receptive individuals. The author explains that to lead a balanced life we must shed the idea that being emotional is a negative trait. And since we are so receptive, we should take care of our bodies and achieve balance to be able to withstand the emotional and physical affects that our sensitivity creates." Witches are seekers. We're curious individuals with an insatiable thirst for knowledge in a multitude of forms. And there's a lot of information out there already on the internet – which is an amazingly wonderful, but also sometimes not-so-great thing. So how do you sift through it all and distinguish the good stuff from the just 'eh' or even worse, the really, really bad stuff?
Each week, we'll be adding our favorite book recommendations with blurbs about why the book matters to us and what you can expect as a reader. Because, after all, knowledge is power. Happy casting, happy reading, blessed be. |
September 2024
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