Spring is a time of rebirth, when the earth’s fecundity reminds us of our own potential for renewal. As the natural world is “coming back to life” again, what do you want to manifest this season? We’re still in Ostara season, when the goddess Eostre/Ostara oversees the blossoming of plants, fertility, and renewal of the earth. And like the natural world around us, we’ve also been incubating seeds of our own –– perhaps in the form of new projects, routines, or deep healing. In this slow brightening of days until Beltane (May 1st), it’s a good time to celebrate the renewed commitments to our goals, spiritual practices, and usher in that joie de vivre. The dawn of Ostara is here and it’s time to open up space for the harvest. Here are five candles for the spring season, to reign in blessings for new projects, creative inspiration, and happiness. House Blessing Candle Our home is the outer reflection of our inner state –– and there’s a reason why spring is often associated with cleaning. Many of us are also now working in our homes, so things are bound to get a little chaotic and unbalanced in the mix. A House Blessing candle is a good way to recommit your space to peace & joy, and can also be used as a ritual tool to mark the beginning/end of your WFH days. Love and Happiness A shop favorite, the Love & Happiness Candle paves the way for new friendships and/or love relationships, and welcomes in abundance, joy, and prosperity. Rather than focus on one specific person with this candle, ask the Universe, Deities, Spirit Guides, etc. to open the path to an abundance of love in all forms. When you fully embody love, the world will reflect it back. Song of the Elder Gods/Goddess Candles Spring is a time of fecundity and creativity. We’re naturally creative as human beings. Creativity is creation. So if you’re beginning a new artistic project (especially in music or performance), the Song of the Elder Gods Candle or Song of the Elder Goddess Candle helps with inspiration, focus, and the magical spark of creativity to achieve success. Ganesha Candle Let’s face it, this past winter has been extremely tough, especially coming off the tail end of a pandemic. Many of us may outwardly want to reap the joys and promises of spring but still feeling blocked and a bit lost. The Ganesha Candle invokes the Hindu Elephant God to remove obstacles from your life and welcome in success. Representing wisdom and understanding, Ganesha is also said to usher in prosperity and good luck. Throat Chakra Candle So mote it be. Speaking our intentions aloud is an extremely powerful practice, whether it’s a mantra, intention, affirmation, or prayer. The Fifth Chakra Candle is ideal for opening up, strengthening, cleansing, healing, and balancing your throat chakra. You can also couple this candle with a daily color meditation by focusing on a vibrant, bright blue color cleansing your aura and throat area, opening up space for better self-expression, creativity, and communication. For more on chakra work, check out this story. Wishing you all continued blessings from the Enchantments shop. For more information on candle magick, visit our FAQ Candle Questions here or visit the main website to place an order.
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