In case you missed it, we linked up with astrologer David Scoroposki to find out the best times to travel this summer according to the planetary transits. Here, he offers up 12 horoscopes for summer. Aries Aries, the headstrong sign ruled by fiery Mars, is bursting with physical energy after having been cooped up for so long –– it's time for an active, physically engaging getaway such as a hiking trip or outdoor adventure. Having more sex will also do the trick, so express yourself and have fun with your partner to relieve built-up tension. Taurus Taurus is a luxury-loving earth sign ruled by Venus, enjoying comfort above all else. As long as the house was cozy enough for (sometimes) lazy Taurus, the quarantine and time at home may not have been as difficult as it was for other signs. But now it's time to get moving! Find a fabulous hotel with lots of delicious décor and plan a romantic getaway. You are sure to feel reinvigorated by these indulgences. Gemini Gemini is ever-changing, ruled by speedy Mercury, so this pandemic has been difficult for them to stay put. Gemini is talkative and a very social sign, so communication is key when it comes to dealing with them.Write a letter to a romantic partner (or prospective romantic partner) because Geminis are natural writers and experts at the art of the "love letter." A train trek with lots of small stops is the ultimate Gemini adventure. Cancer Cancers are very family oriented and can spend much of their time attending to the home or children, so they may be feeling overwhelmed after playing "caretaker" for everyone during the pandemic. Instead of being crabby, take a trip on the water –– perhaps a boat ride to a beautiful beach –– you'll find that love and romance feel new again, after a watery refresher. Leo Leos follow the Sun –– and like the brightest light in the sky, they need attention! After a dreary winter quarantine, go south –– your proximity to sunshine is the boost you need to attract and keep romantic energy around you. Also, wear gold for added solar energy. Virgo Virgos are detailed oriented planners with lots of internal thoughts –– this quarantine must have yielded many new crafts and hobbies, as well as reorganized closets. In order to experience more fun, you must shake up the routine and avoid the mundane. Spontaneity and excitement can do wonders for a lovelorn Virgo, so book that trip now –– you won't regret it. Libra Libras love balance and peace, but also the beauty of nature and fine art. If they have been able to enjoy nature during the lockdown, then they should have fared well. If not, it's time to enjoy romance al fresco –– plan a picnic with the most beautiful wine, fruits and flowers, and become enraptured by the passion of summer. Scorpio Scorpios are intense and also wildly sexual. Ruling the genitals, they express themselves best in the bedroom. Invest in some leather or lace (depending on your mood) and enjoy some spiritually healing, "post pandemic" sexual play. A trip to a warm beach (preferably nude) also works for this steamy water sign ruled by Mars. Sagittarius Sagittarius is happiest surrounded by new and inspiring people and ideas; they are the sign most associated with overseas travel. Now that travel restrictions are lifting, indulge in your wanderlust and find peak romantic potential in faraway places. You may meet someone this summer from another place, with whom you will be fascinated and inspired. Capricorn Capricorns are generally hardworking and reliable, and it's quite possible that they have been other's "rock" during these "uncertain times." Capricorns need to be appreciated and celebrated by those who love them, because it can be difficult for them to express their emotions. A group hike or trip to the hills is always a treat for the earth sign of the mountain goat, who is happiest up high, always in search of the summit. Aquarius Ruled by rebellious Saturn, Aquarians march to the beat of their own drums. They are generally okay alone, and may have been better off during the pandemic than other, more sensitive signs. Although space travel is not yet possible, deep sea diving or a scuba adventure would also please the Aquarian in search of new and interesting landscapes. A desert, space-like terrain would also do. Pisces Watery Pisces is the most receptive and sensitive sign of the zodiac, and they are prone to worry and confusion. This is the sign most affected by the pandemic emotionally, so it's important to be gentle and emerge slowly from the dark winter. Spend time by the water if possible –– the gentle ocean breeze and walks on shore are quite healing. Click here to read the best times to travel this summer 2021. To book a private reading with Scoroposki, email him at [email protected]
By Amber C. Snider As if you needed an excuse to book that well-deserved getaway, here astrologer David Scoroposki reveals the best times to travel in 2021, according to the planetary transits. With the vaccine rolling out all over the U.S. (thank you, science), travel is set to explode this summer. And luckily, there are also few cosmic boosts coming along to encourage this nomadic activity. It’s not just travel for travel’s sake either: A late spring or summer trip may also lead to new spiritual awareness and maybe even a little romance. According to David Scoroposki, a NYC-based astrologer and mystic who’s thrown cards and studied the skies for royals and locals alike, late spring and summer 2021 is a great time to finally add a vacation to your calendar. “Travel is ruled by Mercury and Jupiter. Mercury, the planet of communication and transit, favors small, local trips, while Jupiter, the planet of philosophy and expansion, governs long trips overseas,” he says. “Thanks to Jupiter's entry into the peaceful sign of Pisces on May 14, the month of May brings welcome impulses when it comes to exploring new places and finding inspiration abroad,” says Scoroposki. “Jupiter is the ‘Grand Benevolent’ of the zodiac and is very well placed in sensitive Pisces, so travel overseas is bound to yield spiritual changes that have a deep impact on the psyche.” This much-needed planetary boost is “likely to impart the realization that we are all connected in many ways,” making it a favorable time to experience other cultures and new places on the map. With an emphasis on positive spiritual shifts, it’s a good time to get out of your comfort zone when it comes to choosing a destination. Have you been longing for the remote jungles of Costa Rica? A backpacking excursion in Oaxaca? Stay open to new experiences at this time, while also keeping an eye on travel advisories and requirements. There’s also another cosmic blessing coming along, but it won’t last all summer. “Romance is on the rise!” says Scoroposki. “Take lots of videos, as moving images are also associated with Jupiter in Pisces. However, book your vacation with haste, because this influence will only last until July 28, when Jupiter goes back into hectic Aquarius. Relationships will be especially tender and close during this transit –– and a vacation to a faraway destination is the best way to take advantage of this special moment in time.” With all this positive planetary action, staying sensible and alert in your travels is still important, especially as Mercury goes retrograde (read more on that here). Keep a close eye on your itineraries, flight changes, passport, and vaccination card. “Mercury, the shifty planet of transportation and commerce, goes retrograde from May 29 through June 22, so be sure to double check hotel reservations and to arrive early before flights or train trips,” remarks Scoroposki. “Mercury retrograde wreaks havoc on the disorganized, so pay attention! Generally, it would be best to save small, domestic trips and travel for dates that do not fall within this range: May 29 – June 22.” Scoroposki says the best time to travel is when Jupiter and/or Mercury are in dignity and form benevolent aspects to the birthchart, as well as when there is good planetary activity in the third and ninth houses. A professional astrologer can help locate this information in your chart, if you’d like to do a deep dive into the best times for you. Whether it’s a trip to see the Aurora Borealis, a scenic road trip out West, or a beachside villa in Puerto Rico, the cosmos is definitely on your side this season. Just be sure to check Travel Advisories for U.S. citizens before embarking on any excursion and stay up-to-date with alerts. Practical magic also means being practical, so follow your desires while also staying safe. To book a private reading with David Scoroposki, you can email him at [email protected]. Check back for our upcoming story on travel horoscopes.
Our favorite incense blends for clearing negative energy, ushering in new love, setting a romantic mood, sanctifying spaces, and more. Scent is directly tied to the emotional centers in our brain and it’s no surprise that ancient magic workers and healers have used its power to enhance their rituals. While our reaction to scent is a deeply personal experience, there’s also a universal quality to smoke cleansing or smudging. The use of incense for smudging, or energy clearing, goes back thousands of years and is found in nearly every religious practice. From Indigenous rituals in North America to the Catholic rites in Rome and the burning of sacred oils and incense in Ancient Greece, the age-old tradition of purifying spaces and spiritual energy with smoke still continues today. Here are some of our favorite hand-blended incenses, ways to use them, and how to choose the right blend according to your individual practice. For Invoking the Muse When you read Ancient Greek mythology, notice how each hymn begins with an invocation of the Muse. To channel divine inspiration, try burning Divine Muse incense before you begin a creative project. Add about a tablespoon of incense to a small cauldron or incense burner and touch fire to it (preferably use a lighter, not a match). Walk around your work space with the smoke and call upon the Muse to allow creativity and inspiration to run through you. If you’re an artist, use the incense to purify your materials (pens, papers, work station); If you’re a writer, run the smoke around your electronics, notebook, etc. After you’ve purified your materials, don’t forget to cleanse your aura with the smoke, as well. Start at the top of the head (about 6 inches above your crown) and work your way down to your feet, lifting up each foot as you go along. Envision the smoke carrying away any negativity or hinderance to your ultimate, creative self. For Ushering in New Love Goddess of Love Incense is a powerful aphrodisiac that brings out the total animal instincts in the one you desire. It's a juicy, seductive scent that welcomes in Goddess energy. Aphrodite Love Drawing Incense is great for attracting new love (and helping you feel irresistible and charming), while Bad Ass, a female empowerment and sexual attraction formula, helps with self-esteem. Lastly, Erzuli is a devotional blend for the Haitian Loa of love, beauty and prosperity, if that's in your spiritual tradition. For Clearing Negative Energy Regularly spiritual cleansing (and practicing spiritual hygiene) is essential for any magical worker. The following blends are great for rituals or general daily cleansing: Van Van (which is a cleansing & uncrossing blend from New Orleans. Great for purifying before ritual); Kyphi (an ancient Egyptian formula used for banishing evil & negativity, and can also be used in any Egyptian rite); and Uncrossing (an incense blend that clears all negative energy, blocks and hexes). We recommend opening your windows during energy clearing –– think of it as "out with the old and in with the new." For Helping Ease Heartache Love Healing can be used to heal a relationship, help get over a break up, and to heal old wounds and emotional issues. Happiness Incense has an uplifting scent with a universal appeal and helps bring joy into the heart. For Meditation Meditation Incense is great for meditation work, as it's a calming blend to help you achieve a relaxed mindset. Peace/Pax Incense is also great for relaxation, peace of mind, ushing peace in the home. Relaxation Incense is a powerful calming blend that helps bring in a good night's sleep and prevent nightmares. Moon Incense can be used for all lunar rituals and devotional workings, while also helping to improve intuition. For Prophetic Dreaming Delphic Dreams is a psychic empowerment formula with an element of protection that's also used for astral projection, lucid dreams, and dream enhancement. Spiritual High, a famous blend of 16 aromatic herbs, can be used for effectively embracing higher understanding, as well as prophetic dreams and astral travel. For Welcoming Abundance Horn of Plenty forces change of fortune and brings wealth, while Lucky Magnet attracts luck in all areas. Nine Fruits brings luck and bright blessings to all areas of life, as well as Success Incense. Sun, a solar blend for energy, positivity, vitality, inner strength, and self-confidence (a shop favorite), is also a great choice for ushering in abundance. For Good Luck and Prosperity Double Fast Luck increases luck in all areas and is also for money drawing. High Conquering Incense (also known as High John the Conqueror) attracts luck in all areas, as well as strength in overcoming obstacles. Lucky Job attracts employment and is also good for promotions. For Sanctifying a Space House Blessing Incense is used to cleanse, purify and protect a home, while filling your space with positive energy. Good Earth invokes the element of Earth and can be used for grounding, especially if your home feels a bit chaotic at times. Egyptian Temple Incense purifies, banishes, and clears a sacred space. For Honoring the Gods/Goddesses While Enchantments offers many, many devotional blends for the Gods, Goddesses, and Orishas, here are a few of our favorites: Artemis (a devotional blend for the Greek Lunar Goddess); Brigid (a devotional blend for the Celtic Fire Goddess); Chango (a devotional formula for the Orisha of lightning. Inspires passion and fire for life. Great for dancers and performers); Freya (a devotional blend for the Norse Goddess of love, war and magic. For love, sex magic, prosperity and shamanic traveling); Horned God (a devotional blend, use to connect with and honor the divine masculine); Kali (a devotional blend for the Hindu Goddess of destruction and creation. Can be used for justice, protection and strength); Oshun (a devotional blend for the Orisha of the river. Attracts love, luck, prosperity, beauty and positive attention. Helps you flow with life). To read more about the orisha Oshun, click here for an Enchantments' interview with Priestess Lilith Dorsey about her book "Orishas, Goddesses, and Voodoo Queens." To Set a Romantic Mood While no magic can ever bring true love, you can help spice things up in the bedroom with incense. Try Queen of the Night (to invoke Lilith in her sensual aspect), Filthy Sheets (a purely sexual attraction formula), or Great Sex (an aphrodisiac blend that helps reduce inhibitions). |
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