You asked, we responded. Here are some more of our most frequently asked candle magic questions, answered. Question: "I was told not to use matches to light my spiritual candles because sulfur will destroys my intentions. Should I use a lighter instead?" Answer: Some people have differing opinions on this, but we use lighters in the store (and at home, too). Sulfur is sometimes used for banishing magic, which is why it’s not normally recommended. Question: "What do you do with the candle once the spell is cast?" Answer: You should burn the candle all the way down and the flame will go out on its own – that’s how you know the spell is complete. You can also set the glass in a small dish of water when it gets towards the end because the glass can get hot if it's been burning for several hours. Simply recycle the glass when its done (where and how you normally would with your recycling at home) or melt down other candle wax to use the glass for another candle spell. Question: "I am really into candle magic, I would like to learn more about using the candles purposely. Is it best to use scented candles or unscented? Oils, charms, inscription, ... I could go on and on!" Answer: Yes, there’s so much to learn! If you’d like to know more about general candle magic, check out this article. If you’d like to know more about working with magical oils, try this. We use hand-blended fragrance and essential oils for our intention-based candles. With a Solar Blast candle, for instance, we’re trying to evoke sun energy, bring in joy and happiness, and all around positive vibes, so we’ll use complementary, custom-blended oils for those intentions (which can vary from person to person, depending on their needs). As for inscriptions, we use a variety of sigils and veves from many, many different sources (some of which are thousands of years old), as well as from the intuitive minds of the working witches in the shop. There are many books out there regarding sigils and inscriptions, so keep checking the “Books” section of our site for more on that. But a lot of candle magic is also very practical: If you’re looking to draw in more money, inscribe a dollar symbol on your candle. If you’re looking to draw in love, draw a heart. It’s all about the energy you’re putting in and what you’re sending out – so you can also use what “speaks” to you. Question: "I purchased a custom candle from you did everything I was told. No results at all. Why did it not work?" Answer: Oh no! It’s a rarity that people say that, but here are a few things to keep in mind: All magic is energy-based. What you put into it, what you focus on, will manifest. If your intentions and spell casting is focused (and you wish no harm), you’ll see a big positive difference in your life – but ultimately you have to be the one to do it. The spell candles we do in the shop are tools; they’re specific intention-based, magical tools to help you in your own unique magic practice. You can also think of it like this (a wonderful little analogy one of the witches uses in the shop): "We’re like Betty Crocker putting the cake mix together for you, but you have to go home and actually bake the cake. In other words, you’re the creator of your own magic." The most important thing is to pay attention to the signs. Pay attention to what’s around you; and particularly pay attention to what happens after the spell is complete. With that said, it may take a bit of time to see the fruits/fruition of your spell. Candle magic can help you understand the blocks in your life, what you need to change, what’s not working, and work towards solving those issues, too. Sometimes it’s a revelation after you light the candle or after you finish the spell (“Oh shit, you know what, I’d really like to change my career because this job isn’t for me anymore” or “I see now that [insert life issue] needs to change and I know exactly how I can fix it now.”). Question: "Can you make videos of your classes live so we can also be in the classes for those of us that live far away. Maybe have a kit of supplies we can purchase from you before the class is held. Just tossing out suggestions." Answer: We're working on that! Stay tuned. Question: "How come after I burn a candle the top is almost dark to lightly smoked gray? Is there something I should be nervous about?" Answer: Nope, nothing to worry about. It’s the candle smoke most likely coupled with the blended-oils we use on the candles. Question: "Doing the Uncrossing is exactly what I need to do. Question though - I would want to incorporate a vision board afterword. Do you think it would be better to have the vision board completed or (because I’ll be drawing the images) draw the images as part of drawing in the positivity?" Answer: When you're doing an Uncrossing, you don't want to focus your energy on the "bad" (what's not working, negativity, blocks) but rather on the desired outcome (i.e. you living your best life, unblocked, and clear). So when it comes to a vision board, if creating it beforehand "raises your energy" and helps you focus on beginning the clearing/cleansing process and your desired outcome, do it – or create the vision board after the spell is done to really hone in on the positivity/attraction afterwards. It may be cool to do a version of the vision board before you light the candle and add to it afterwards – especially to see what has changed or shifted. Question: "What kind of shavings do you put in the candle to make it spark?" Answer: We add custom-blended incense (with a wood base), as well as a little bit of iron fillings (for attraction) at the bottom of the candle glass. We also rub blended oils on the candle, too. Want to learn more? Click here for more stories.
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