Coinciding with the New Moon, this Solar Eclipse is all about empowering yourself to clear out loose ends, letting go of whatever is holding you back, and reconfiguring your life for the better. Let’s be honest: things have been more than a little hectic lately. It’s a lot of “noise” out there, some of which just keeps us feeling trapped in a cycle of feeling powerless and psychically drained. This is a good time to re-examine your individual life and place in the world from an empowered standpoint—not letting the world dictate how/what you should feel or who you should be. It’s a time to focus on new beginnings and shedding what’s not working in our life. Plus, New moons are all about new beginnings, turning inward, and reflecting. Couple that with the intense energy of the Solar Eclipse and things are bound to come to the surface, giving you an opportunity to let go of shit once and for all. And since the lingering eclipse energy can last for up to an entire week, here are some tips to harness that energy for empowerment. Grounding: Don’t let your emotions get the better of you over the course of the week. It’s an intense, energetic time, so rather than react to things, respond to them instead—again, from a place of grounded empowerment. Before reacting to any situation, take a pause, a few breaths, and come back to your center. Excuse yourself, go into a room to meditate for a few minutes, before tackling whatever comes your way. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed at this time, but getting grounded in nature can help, as can eating nourishing foods, simple self-care rituals, and meditating or breath work. Cleansing: Take a sea salt bath the night or morning of the eclipse. Add in calming herbs like lavender or lavender oil, cleansing herbs like hyssop, and cedar wood oil for grounding. You may also feel inspired to clean your physical home at this time– go with it! As we prepare the way for new abundance in our lives and redirect our course, sometimes a good house cleaning goes a long way to psychically and physically prepare for that. You can also use House Blessing incense for a smoke cleansing ritual at-home. Candle Magic: What is it you want to let go of? What is no longer working in your life? What changes, big or small, would you like to make? Now is a good time to focus on these aspects of your life and then take action (or at least plant the seeds for action). Write down a list of things you’d like to clear away and/or change. Now create a second list with potential actions you can take to make it a reality. Light a white candle or try a custom-carved candle that works with your intention: For instance, you’d like to get better with your finances and focus on building security and wealth (Money Pyramid Candle), or perhaps you want to focus on emotional healing (Crystal Healing Candle), or start a new business (Successful Business Candle) or clear the path for new beginnings (Uncrossing Candle). Get specific with your intention and after the candle burns out (the hand-carved candles will burn for 7 to 10 days), take action towards these goals with renewed insights. Blessed be, witches x
December 2024
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